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Two new Greek Classes, plus Power of Polenta and Around the World in 80 Grains.

Sourdough 101 & Cream Cheese for friends of Robin


Welcome to your introductory class on Sourdough.

What to expect: Attendees will take home "starter" prepared by Hobby Hill

  • Attendees will enjoy freshly baked bread in the class.
  • Attendees will take home a lame (razor) to cut your bread
  • Attendees will take home starters for their cream cheese and a container of cream cheese (bring a small cooler to store culturing cream cheese)
  • If you select Banneton included we will provide a round Banneton for you to store your bread when you are leaving the class.

What to bring: Attendees should bring a qt container to take freshly fed starter home and a banneton to take home your fresh made dough.

Attendees will receive directions on how to bake their bed after the Bulk rise.

Supplies to have on hand at home:

Bread Flour - King Arthur preferred

Dutch Oven with top

Parchment Paper



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